Unlock unmatched engagement

Elevate every transaction with Pulse iD’s rewards solutions

Unlock unmatched engagement

Unlock unmatched engagement

The ultimate software upgrade for your
reward program

The ultimate software upgrade for your reward program

Selection of our clients

Explore a new generation of rewards solutions

Explore a new generation of rewards solutions



AI-powered personalized

cardholder rewards

Smart pricing of


Be surgical with how much you

reward individual cardholder




End-to-end automated





Trigger location-based push



Hyper-personalized Rewards

Shift transacting behavior by delivering relevant

rewards for every cardholder

Advanced analytics and AI tailor rewards based on individual preferences, spending patterns and historical interactions

Maximize profitability of your cards portfolio by being more targeted in how you reward

Increase transactions by motivating frequent card use through relevant offers

Omni-channel engagement from mobile apps and push notifications to email and web portals

Hyper-personalized Rewards

Shift transacting behavior by delivering relevant rewards for every cardholder

Advanced analytics and AI tailor rewards based on individual preferences, spending patterns and historical interactions

Maximize profitability of your cards portfolio by being more targeted in how you reward

Increase transactions by motivating frequent card use through relevant offers

Omni-channel engagement from mobile apps and push notifications to email and web portals

Smart Pricing of Rewards

Optimize every reward. In real time.

Continuous monitoring: We run thousands of variations of reward constructs and track cardholder behavior in real-time

Smart pricing: our algorithms re-calibrate and ‘re-price’ reward values to ensure maximum engagement and profitability

Price at the ‘tipping point’ that motivates cardholder action – algorithmically and at scale across your customer base

Be surgical with how much you reward to maximize ROI on your reward costs

Smart Pricing of Rewards

Optimize every reward. In real time.

Continuous monitoring: We run thousands of variations of reward constructs and track cardholder behavior in real-time

Smart pricing: our algorithms re-calibrate and ‘re-price’ reward values to ensure maximum engagement and profitability

Price at the ‘tipping point’ that motivates cardholder action – algorithmically and at scale across your customer base

Be surgical with how much you reward to maximize ROI on your reward costs

Merchant-funded Rewards

Automated platform: End-to-end program management from merchant on-boarding to offer fulfilment and cardholder support.

Segmented & personalized offers: Pair cardholders with relevant merchant offers. The platform recommends offers based on recent card purchases.

Omni-channel: Orchestrate seamless experiences across mobile apps, push notifications, email and web portals.

Curated merchant partners: We source offers from merchant categories that resonate with your cardholder base. 

Merchant-funded Rewards

Automated platform: End-to-end program management from merchant on-boarding to offer fulfilment and cardholder support.

Segmented & personalized offers: Pair cardholders with relevant merchant offers. The platform recommends offers based on recent card purchases.

Omni-channel: Orchestrate seamless experiences across mobile apps, push notifications, email and web portals.

Curated merchant partners: We source offers from merchant categories that resonate with your cardholder base. 

Geolocation Services

Trigger location-based push notifications around important real-world locations

Real-time Notifications: Get instantaneous alerts when a device enters, exits, or remains in a defined geographic area.

Geofencing: Trigger notifications around branches, merchants, airports or any other relevant location

Fast & Secure Integration: Implement our SDK within hours for quick impact on engagement and revenue.

Geolocation Services

Trigger location-based push notifications around important real-world locations

Real-time Notifications: Get instantaneous alerts when a device enters, exits, or remains in a defined geographic area.

Geofencing: Trigger notifications around branches, merchants, airports or any other relevant location

Fast & Secure Integration: Implement our SDK within hours for quick impact on engagement and revenue.

Why Pulse iD

Why Pulse iD

Why Pulse iD

Proven at Scale

Live with millions of users and 100m+ API calls every month

Payment Network Feeds

Get transaction data from global payment schemes

Fast Integration

Launch with minimal effort on your engineering team

Flexible and Modular

Choose the products you need – scale up any time


Engage intelligently across all bank channels

Trusted technology

Our platform is used by leading global financial institutions

Global reach

We service clients globally in compliance to local regulation

Unique in market

Run differentiated reward programs that give you an edge


Engage intelligently across all bank channels

Trusted technology

Our platform is used by leading global financial institutions

Global reach

We service clients globally in compliance to local regulation

Unique in market

Run differentiated reward programs that give you an edge

Operating with bank-grade security

Operating with bank-grade security

PCI-DSS Compliant

We are certified to securely handle payments, credit card information and transaction data

ISO 27001 Certified

We adhere to the highest international standards in information security and data protection

Penetration testing

Every platform release is rigorously tested for vulnerabilities by independent 3rd party experts 

Security Scans

We employ the latest security scanning software to proactively identify and remedy potential security vulnerabilities

Risk & Compliance due diligence

Our global clients carry out regular due diligence on our risk, compliance and data management practices

PCI-DSS Compliant

We are certified to securely handle payments, credit card information and transaction data

ISO 27001 Certified

We adhere to the highest international standards in information security and data protection

Penetration testing

Every platform release is rigorously tested for vulnerabilities by independent 3rd party experts 

Security Scans

We employ the latest security scanning software to proactively identify and remedy potential security vulnerabilities

Risk & Compliance due diligence

Our global clients carry out regular due diligence on our risk, compliance and data management practices

Operating with bank-grade security